
Hot Girl/Hot Boy Healing Summer!

Hello beautiful people, it’s been a hot minute since your girl wrote to you. I think I’ve shared this with you guys before, but I definitely do go in and out of moments were I’m highly motivated and then I’m lacking any wording to say. (This is not an excuse, but like I’ve explained before, I really do care about what I share with you guys, so I never want to present like a half-written piece). So now that I’ve gotten my apologies out the way I’m going to do better, and my effort to do better ties into the headline of this post.

Let’s all have a Hot Healing Summer. This term name is just a play on wording from the Hot girl/ Hot boy summer. Did you know that summer plays a lot into our mood? (don’t believe me) I know people as well as myself that have started working out from wintertime just to get fit for the summer. (Comment below if your one of those people). We even go as far as planning the outfits we’ll be wearing in the summer. Our moods and demeanor are we outside and were trying to hangout as much as we can because this is the best time to do so. Summer air especially living in more tropical climates omits a certain type of aroma that changes the mood in a good way. Typically, that’s the summer I yearn for and this year it’s not the summer I got. But the summer I’m on is the summer I need in a weird sense.

STOP – literally has been the focus of my summer. The essence of aroma, hangouts with friends, doing a lot of different theme things has reached a full stop. Can I honestly say it was weird for me at first. I was going through periods of why this is happening to me, what have I done wrong, & none of this feels usual. Usual doesn’t always means right, and stop isn’t always no. I’m in a season that many have been before or at one point may experience and it’s what you choose to do in that season that will prepare you for the next. Sometimes there’s an isolation that you need happening even before you realize you need it. Every-time I opened my IG I kept seeing the same message about Isolation and removals and at first it was like okay but how does this apply to me? luckily, I’m realizing I need to work on somethings in me before I chase an aroma. Some of the signs for me were like oh I always wanted to work on this but never got the time (you need to isolate) I want to work on regimenting my meals (you may need to isolate first) I have this idea to start something (you need to isolate first). Isolation doesn’t always mean loneliness – it can also mean healing. Healing is not always from brokenness, it’s also from strength. It takes strength to choose to heal and really explore a better way you want to live, achieve, or create great things in your life.

YOU need to be in place by yourself with God to accomplish your best healing. Sometimes we want to always go and do and have fun, which is never bad, but we also need to spend that same time to reflect. What can I do better, how can I get over this (fill in the blank) what’s something that’s that I always wanted to work on, what other passions I want to learn. You can still be a hot girl/ hot boy in the summer, but the sexiest thing is a healing girl/ healing boy all year long. That’s the type of sexy I aspire to be and the type of sexy I hope this message aspires you. You’re never too far behind, and it’s never over until it’s over. So, if I inspire anyone in this moment, I’ll leave you with this last tag line: Get your sexy healing on!! Signed: Sista Luv!

As always, my lovelies don’t forget to Subscribe, Comment, Share, and Like. Were always growing our family and looking for new friends to join the beautiful friendship we have going here. Tell a friend, share with ya family and let me know your thoughts below. Sorry but so far this month I won’t be offering the free anonymous advice, because I’m getting my sexy healing on. Don’t forget to follow me on IG @sista2sister. Like I always say be safe and stay blessed. Lots of hugs and kisses from me to you.XOXOXOXOXOXO 🥰🥰💖💖😘😘😍😍❤️❤️💋💋🖤🖤💕💕💕.

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